Темный режим

The Ultracheese

Оригинал: Arctic Monkeys


Перевод: Вика Пушкина

[Verse 1:]

[Куплет 1:]

Still got pictures of friends on the wall

На стене всё ещё висят фотографии моих друзей,

I suppose we aren't really friends anymore

Полагаю, мы больше таковыми не являемся.

Maybe I shouldn't ever have called that thing friendly at all

Может, мне вовсе не нужно было называть эти отношения дружбой.

Get freaked out from a knock at the door

Я шарахаюсь от стука в дверь,

When I haven't been expecting one

Когда никого не ждал.

Didn't that used to be part of the fun, once upon a time?

Разве когда-то, давным-давно, это не было частью веселой вечеринки?

We'll be there at the back of the bar

Мы будем за барной стойкой,

In a booth like we usually were

В кабинке, где обычно сидели,

Every time there was a rocket launch or some big event

Когда происходил запуск ракеты или другое значительное событие.

[Verse 2:]

[Куплет 2:]

What a death I died writing that song

Я умирал мучительной смертью, пока писал эту песню,

From start to finish, with you looking on

А ты смотрела от начала до конца.

It stays between us, Steinway, and his sons

Это останется между нами, Стейнвеем и его сыновьями,

Because it's the ultracheese

Потому что она слишком слащавая.

Perhaps it's time that you went for a walk

Может, тебе пора выйти погулять

Dressed like a fictional character

В костюме выдуманного персонажа

From a place they called America in the golden age

Из мест, которые называли Америкой золотого века.

Trust the politics to come along

Поверь, к этому обязательно примешают политику,

When you were just trying to orbit the sun

Хотя ты просто пытаешься обогнуть солнце,

When you were just about to be kind to someone

Хотя ты просто пытаешься быть к кому-то добр,

Because you had the chance

Потому что тебе представилась возможность.

[Verse 3:]

[Куплет 3:]

I've still got pictures of friends on the wall

На стене всё ещё висят фотографии моих друзей,

I might look as if I'm deep in thought

Может, я выгляжу так, словно глубоко задумался,

But the truth is I'm probably not

Но, по правде, это, вероятно, не так.

If I ever was

Наверное, я вообще никогда ни о чем не думал.



Oh, the dawn won't stop weighing a tonne

О, закат никогда не перестанет весить целую тонну,

I've done some things that I shouldn't have done

Я сделал кое-что, чего не должен был,

But I haven't stopped loving you once

Но я никогда не переставал любить тебя.


Другие переводы Arctic Monkeys

All My Own Stunts
American Sports
Baby, I'm Yours
Bigger Boys And Stolen Sweethearts
Black Treacle
Certain Romance
Cigarette Smoke
Come Together (Olympics 2012)
Crying Lightning
Da Frame 2R
Dance, Little Liar
Dancing Shoes
Dangerous Animals
Despair in the Departure Lounge
D Is for Delightful
Do I Wanna Know?
Do Me a Favour
Don't Forget Whose Legs You're On
Don't Sit Down Cause I've Moved Your Chair
Evil Twin
Fake Tales of San Francisco
Fluorescent Adolescent
Four Out of Five
From the Ritz to the Rubble
Golden Trunks
I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor
If You Were There, Beware
I Wanna Be Yours
I Want It All
Joining the Dots
Knee Socks
Knock a Door Run
Leave Before the Lights Come On
Library Pictures
Love Is a Laserquest
Mad Sounds
Mardy Bum
My Propeller
No 1 Party Anthem
No Buses
Old Yellow Bricks
One for the Road
One Point Perspective
Perhaps Vampires Is a Bit Strong But...
Piledriver Waltz
Potion Approaching
Pretty Visitors
Reckless Serenade
Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured
Riot Van
R U Mine?
Science Fiction
Secret Door
Settle for a Draw
She Looks Like Fun
She's Thunderstorms
Snap Out of It
Star Treatment
Still Take You Home
Stop the World I Wanna Get Off with You
Suck It And See
Teddy Picker
Temptation Greets You Like Your Naughty Friend
The Bad Thing
The Bakery
The Blond-o-sonic Shimmer Trap
The Fire And the Thud
The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala
The Jeweller's Hands
The View From the Afternoon
The World's First Ever Monster Truck Front Flip
This House Is a Circus
Too Much to Ask
Tranquility Base: Hotel And Casino
What If You Were Right the First Time?
When the Sun Goes Down
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High ?
Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?
You And I
You Probably Couldn't See for the Lights but You Were Staring Straight at Me
You're So Dark